Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How to Write Blog Titles

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Link Building Tips

Link Building is essential to developing a fast and well ranked website. If you already own several websites it won't be a problem to building a link network between them. Ultimately though the success of your site relies on how many respected links are pointing to your website. There are other factors that can help you to maximize this effect. It is less beneficial to have a link for a company screen printing in Houston to a day care than it is to have a day care link to a day care. When you get traffic coming through these links the value also increases. For many people link building is overwhelming at first, but relax. There are likely many directories that can link to you. These directories should be specific to your topic. Don't waste your time on low quality directories and try to focus on directories related to your field of expertise. The two videos below will help you understand simple methods to hyperdrive your website. This will increase its exposure and the amount that Google trusts it.

"Think as links as turbo charges!"

How to Get Traffic on Your Website

Getting people to come to your website or blog is one of the more difficult things to accomplish, but can be done with a few simple tips and techniques. First of all, using blogging platforms which are easily integrated with Google and other search engines operating systems makes optimizing your site's presence easier. If you built your website or operate a site that was built on a program such as Dreamweaver, there are options to enhance your chances of accruing valuable traffic. Google's Matt Cutts discusses how to gain better visibility on the web by performing simple steps. Without going into a tangle of internet jargon, Matt Cutt's articulates simple procedures that most people can perform to create more web presence. While this interview is with a representative of Google, many of these steps transcend operating system boundaries and can be interfaced for most systems. Getting traffic in a nutshell requires 3 things: 1) content 2) incoming links 3) meta titles, descriptions etc. up to date. This will create most of your organic traffic at first, especially if you operate a blog. In the long term, incoming links can comprise most of the incoming traffic. Watch this great video about web traffic and your website with Google's Matt Cutts about creating better internet presence and visibility.

How To Remove the Blogger Navigation Bar

The header on Blogger serves little purpose of an affiliate marketing blog like the one I operate. For any e-commerce website, it is important to keep your surfer's on your site until the individual monetizes their visit. This can be done by clicking on the Google Adsense ads, or by following an affiliate marketing trail, or by purchasing the product you are selling if you are running a drop shipping website. Landing pages are essential to getting your site on the radar and building traffic. Exit points or pages are essential to control and minimize. By minimizing the exit points you can rest a little easier that your affiliate future will be stable. Blogger generally has a nice bar at the top of its blogs that allows surfers to scroll to the next blog, or navigate away from your page. This is easily remedied and should ensure that your surfer's are given less options to navigate away, except through monetized traffic avenues. This video will teach you the simple steps necessary to remove your header and increase your possibility to monetize on your traffic. Your site may, or may not be an affiliate marketing site, it may be a drop shipping site, or it may be a MP3 blog. All of these have one thing in common: the need to maintain user presence on your pages. Follow the simple steps as outlined to remove that nasty navigation bar that Google throws onto your blog whether you want it nor not.

#navbar-iframe {display: none !important;}

I included the code so all you have to do is copy and paste it into the html file. Hopefully, this simple tweak will allow you to monetize a little more. It is simple tweaks like this, when maximized increase overall commissions. This ensures that your affiliate future is well taken care of.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordpress vs Blogger

This is a simple debate that requires some time to explore. First I am going to look at the benefits of using Blogger, which is operated and owned by Google.

Blogger has these benefits:
1. Editing the templates is simple and free. You can add third party layouts or customize your own without a fee. Colors and styles can be changed to fit the needs of your blog and market.
2. Scripts can be added to blogger of any time, tracker scripts, independent scrips, anything.
3. Importing is simple and can be done from one BlogSpot to the next.
4. The storage space for image is 1 GB and you need to use Picasa for this.
5. Email posting is an excellent option for blogs that constitute multiple people. You can post blogs from your email, or receive them in your email.
6. Private blogs are available and you can also use the administrative options to facilitate a smoother operation.
7. Comments can be confirmed and moderated.

Wordpress has these benefits:
1. Editing the templates requires paying a fee.
2. Scripts are not allowed as this is an HTML controlled site.
3. Importing information is simple and can be done from other Wordpress websites, live journal, Type Pad, or Blogger.
4. The space for storage is 3GB which is 3x blogger and you can upgrade buy purchasing plans.
5. The ability to add images to Wordpress is simple and requires no extra software to manage.
6. The option to create a static front page is simple and routine.
7. Contact forms can be added by adding the tag [contact form].
8. Wordpress allows for more editorial options ranging from Administrator, Editor, Contributor, and Authors.
9. Wordpress has the Askimet plug in to fight comment spam, and also lets you edit unruly comments.

Included at the bottom is a critical look at the gadget (blogger) vs widget (wordpress).

Picking a Marketable Niche

For any online business the most profitable markets are usually highly specified niche markets. We no longer live in a world where jumping into the loans market on the internet is feasible. Therefore, it is important to understand that niche markets are easier to monopolize and monetize than large, dominated, and broad reaching markets such as "automobiles" or "cell phones". Marketable niches can best be conceived based on life experience. What I mean is that, you may be able to sell product easier when you know about the product and/or lifestyle that goes with it.

1. Marketability: Pick a market that is not watered down by heavy handed investors. Pick a market that is new and untapped.

2. Profit Margin: It is important that you observe your margins in order to maximize your profitability. Do adequate research to determine which markets can be easily monetized versus markets that will just be a waste of time.

3. Consumables: When making your choice it is important to note that items that need to be replenished offer the greatest opportunity for a sustained customer base. It is better to sell a product that has a life span because you can expect your customer's will return for the same product if your store is reliable. Try to avoid picking an item that last a lifetime and you can make multiple sales to the same person.

4. Popularity: As trends evolve, you can jump on them and capitalize. Look at the "green" movement.

5. Competition: When choosing your product, pick something with some competition, but nothing that will drown you. Competition allows you to deliniate your product from the mainstream. This allows you to market your self as something slightly different, new, or better than your competition.

I hope that these simple notes helped. By accessing what you would want from a Drop Shipper, you will be better able to develop what other people might want.

Drop Ship Source Tips

Drop Shipping is a lucrative way to make money on the internet when approached properly. First of all, there are alot of drop shipping scam artists out there so be wary of who you choose. You can find free Drop Shipping companies and if they are charging for their services then there is a possibility it may be a scam. Although some Drop Shippers like Doba charge, they are acting as intermediaries between the source and the Drop Shipper. Drop Ship Sourcing is beneficial because it removes a lot of the brick and mortar work that goes with designing, building, and marketing a product. Drop Shipping allows an individual to sell items at wholesale price from their website while making money on the difference. The invoices are then sent to the manufacturer who mails the product to the purchaser. This form of e-commerce gives the most flexibility in terms of time management. It is possible to set up a Drop Shipping company and largely leave it on auto-pilot while it makes sales and money is deposited into your bank account.

Here are some tips for Drop Shipping:
1. It is integrated with Ebay so capitalize on the opportunity to market test.
2. Look for Drop Shippers that have data feeds to download, or upload all inventory data immediately which will expedite the time it takes to get your site running.
3. Use a "blind" shipper which ships the product under your company name.
4. If you aren't able to use the descriptions and pictures provided by the Drop Shipper, be wary because it may be a scam.
5. Depending on what you are selling, look for name brand products to please your customers.
6. OneSource offers among the best training exercises for its Drop Shippers.
7. If a Drop Shipper does not have a toll free number, it may be a scam.
8. Always check the BBB!
9. Check how long it takes to fill orders. This is very important on Ebay.
10. If they do not cover shipping calculate this into your costs.
11. Know if your Drop Ship provider carries stock and has back order. This is important for Ebay.

While the benefits for Drop Shipping are great and the e-commerce value is on the rise, be careful not to get scammed. For more solid information on Drop Shipping tips you can visit this website about Drop Shipping procedures, or watch this video with Chris Malta.

Getting Your Site Listed and Ranked by Directories

Once you have a website that is off the ground and has a proper operating system that is running it, you are going to need exposure. It is a simple process to starting the process. The difficult part is getting the recognition and the initial momentum it requires to get through the sluggish and time consuming commencement of your website. There are number of ways to approach this that vary from Search Engine recognition to web marketing via a social media strategy. The topic that will discussed is how to effectively and efficiently get a business website recognized by directories and search engines to maximize the amount of incoming links. I will include a growing list to accommodate people who want to hyperdrive their seo functions for their company or website.

1. Google Local
2. Yahoo Local
3. Localeze
4. Openlist
5. Forums for your industry
6. Alexa

This video will give a great insight the how back links can be gained and operated more easily. As long as your niche is unique you have a good change of developing a trafficked site.

Link Cloaking with MSN Live Webmaster Nathan Buggia

This is a great video interview that discusses MSN's web master policies and a variety of other topics relating to affiliate marketing. The first three things to develop for a website is content, age, and traffic. Therefore, it is important to constantly add valuable marketable information for your audience. Additionally, you will have to tweak the meta data, but more importantly, for a beginner that is new to building successful websites, start by picking a familiar topic and writing on that topic, offering new ideas and interpretations of old ideas, and submitting content that your audience can relate to. Assuming that you have a blogspot, or a wordpress account you can move forward quickly to make a solid marketable website. Nathan Buggia covers several talking points, but what struck me is the gray area that surrounding black hat seo, and specifically how it relates to affiliate marketing. Black Hat SEO when practiced and caught can be a definite way to get your website black listed. There are multiple ways to do this, but I won't be covering those. I am interested in the cloaking of a website for affiliate marketing. Nathan Buggia specifically points out that link cloaking for the purpose of affiliate marketing, it is understandable and acceptable. I don't know how long this will be acceptable, however, you heard it from the man. Finally, the question that remains is how can link cloaking benefit you, a future affiliate? Link Cloaking lessens the possibility of having your link hi jacked or or your affiliate link bypassed. However, if your clientele relations are solid enough, you might not need to use this maneuver. You can read more about link cloaking.

Watch this great video with Webmaster of MSN Nathan Buggia as he explains the MSN Page Ranking system and black hat SEO:

SEOmoz Whiteboard Friday - Live's New Webmaster Tools & More with Nathan Buggia from Scott Willoughby on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Courtney Tuttle on Keywords and Page Ranking

I just finished reading a document that I was given quite a few months ago. It is the Keyword Crash Course. This document provides a 20+ page fast read of pertinent information to get a successful site up and running. After reading the document, and assessing my goal for this site and my network of sites, I decided what to do. First, I went to my hosting website Host Gator. I chose Host Gator after my friend Robert, a successful Search Engine Marketeer and suggested it. We had been working on a site together and I was ready to start building a few of my own. Host Gator had great hosting options and gives their users to re-host. I went a head and purchased a business account and less than two months later had reason to use the 1-800 toll free number that came with it for free. After using Host Gator for several weeks, I started Future Affiliates and immediately became an affiliate. Like I said, and like Courtney Tuttle implores is that the hardest part is getting hosted, and buying your domains. Once this part is swallowed, the move forward happens. Although it is bumpy at first, the pay off is huge in the long run. Following the simple instructions I set up an affiliate account on their website, applied the proper documentation to my account to make sure that money is forwarded to me, and then put the banner onto my website. I realize that this is all very fast, however I don't intend to run a slow ship, so once you are following keep pace and we can make money together. I will be reading lots of material to bring everyone up to speed and regurgitate the most effective and necessary parts of each document I read. That means my readers will get the best while updating the least. Courtney Tuttle's Keyword Crash Course is a good example of how to used affiliate marketing and positive reinforcements of practical affiliate knowledge. For any future affiliate understanding what keywords to target and how to operate the most profitable and easily monetized site is detrimental to success. It is also very important to streamlining development and saving time. Time wasted is money wasted. This crash course offers insight into Google's Ad Words software which enables users to quickly thin through byte upon byte of keyword information. This expedites the time it takes to process which keywords will be marketable and which are a waste of time. Finally, Courtney Tuttle explains the best ways to operate a site. Tuttle settles on Wordpress which takes first place, and Blogger which takes second place. I agree. The time to create a efficient money making website is not endless, or by any means intolerable with the proper knowledge, which can be acquired after three hard months of work. Watch me as my websites have created traffic and continue to bring regular visitors back. Finally, I will be creating a Wordpress account per Tuttle's advice. I prefer the Wordpress operations and the ability to sell a Wordpress site for much more that it is worth. You can get here here. I will continue posting valuable information to this website to keep it alive and pointed at my central website. This is a valuable tactic to increase Page Rank and I suggest it, as long as the traffic originates organically. Therefore, come back to this site because the information will be densely packed gems of operating a successful and profitable website. You can begin by purchasing a simple hosting package from Host Gator. Good Luck and follow me here, or on twitter @joeldhughes. Ciao

Affiliate Marketing

The purpose of this website is going to be to track the growing affiliate marketing industry. I will do my best to post relevant and trustworthy information for my audience. I chose the title Future Affiliates because I think it is a good name to people that might want to dive into this experience and learn some tips with me along the way. Thanks for noting this blog. I hope that it excels and I would like to touch on hosting, drop ship, web 2.0, sem, and seo in the future, as ways to compliment affiliate marketing. Perhaps my blog will give valuable insight into the mistakes you can avoid, and the successes that I have. Since, I am re-employed after a long vacation on student loans and research on blogs and seo, I have a steady income to test my ideas on websites. Currently, this will be my third regularly updated blog. More about those later.
Today, since this is my second post about the above topics I will touch the first and hardest part of blogging. The Commencement. It is important to begin somehow, and now! Buy a domain, get a free wordpress account, or go with blogger. Learn how to build a website from the ground up while learning the google algorithm. BEGIN!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Future Affiliates

This is the first post of a promising new website called Future Affilitates